Jeg skrev 16/1 lidt om de mange politisk-udvalgte professorer, som EU's Monet-program fik ansat på europeiske universiteter til propaganda for EU, men jeg har ikke gjort noget for at trænge ind i emnet, men måske andre har interesse i det før valget til EU i maj. Her er nogle navne, som jeg er stødt på (nederst fra Danmark):
Peterson, John (Jean Monnet Professor Of European Politics
Sommerschule des Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence 2003
Dr. Knipping, Jean Monnet Professor, Universität Wuppertal . ... Dr. Wessels, Jean Monnet Professor, Universität zu Köln;; Rechtswissenschaft: Prof. ...
Professor Brigid Laffan, the Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics, the Third and final lecture in the Jean Monnet Lecture Series 2.december år ?
(om Churchills Cold War)
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred Straube Jean Monnet-Professor
für Europarecht. Funktion/en an der Donau-Universität Krems
Kirkbride, James (Jean Monnet Professor of Eurpoean Law,
forum valencia
... century". Programme Director: Ramón Tamames, Chair of Economy at the
UAM, Jean Monnet Professor of the European Union. Co-ordinators ...
ECSA Austria: Vorstand 2002-2005
... Dr. Fritz BREUSS (Jean Monnet Professor) Forschungsinstitut für Europafragen,
Wirtschaftsuniversiät Wien
Jean Monnet lectures
... Lecture Plan. 10.2.: 0-6-9: European Integration 1945-72 Thorsten B.
Olesen, Jean Monnet professor, Dept. of History and Area Studies ... - 46k - 3 Oct 2003 -
... Neill Nugent, Jean Monnet Professor in European Integration, Manchester Metropolitan
University Afternoon session: 'The Challenge for the EU of Enlargement ...
Jean Monnet
... Dr. Werner Schroeder, LL.M. (Berkeley) als Jean Monnet-Professor an das Institutfür Völkerrecht, Europarecht und Internationale Beziehungen berufen. ...
Fra Folketingets oplysning om EU:
Kommissionen lancerede i 1990 Jean Monnet-programmet med det formål at fremme undervisningen i europæisk integration på universiteterne. Siden er der oprettet mere end 300 Jean Monet professorater på europæiske universiteter, ligesom Kommissionen har finansieret over 1500 undervisnings- og forskningsprojekter inden for europæisk integration.
(2014: Der er rimeligvis kommet mange til siden!)
Om Jean Monnet programmet:
Det er under Jean Monet projektet ” ad personam” mulighed for at få en Jean Monet professorat, på følgende link kan du læse om betingelser for ansøgninger og indholdet af programmet:
Se nedenfor
Alexandra Kiil-Nielsen
Folketingets EU-oplysning
tel: 33 37 33 37
The Jean Monnet Project
Under the Jean Monnet Project, the European Commission supports university initiatives aimed at creating teaching activities in European integration. Launched in 1990 at the specific request of the academic world, the Jean Monnet Project aims to promote teaching in European integration, in particular in Law, Economics, Political Science and History - the disciplines where European Union developments are becoming an increasingly important part of the subject studied and where student demand is at its greatest.
The Jean Monnet Program Internet Activities
The Jean Monnet Program pages include the Jean Monnet Working Papers with the European Research Papers Archive (ERPA - a common access point for high quality papers in the area of European integration research), teaching materials in European Law and Institutions, the Law of Regional Economic Integration in the American Hemisphere and the Law of World Trade, the World Wide European Integration Events Calendar and the European Integration Current Contents (Table of Contents Awareness Service) pages. The European Journal of International Law and the European Foreign Policy Bulletin online online are also part of the Academy of European Law online. We appreciate feedback.
The Jean Monnet Center Team
Professor J.H.H. Weiler – Director
Fiona J. Kennedy - Executive Director
Anke Freude – Executive Secretary
Martina Kocjan – Teaching Fellow
Jane Shvets – Library Master
Hyung-Yoon Choi – Webmaster
This site was created and managed by Jonathan Katchen. For some time the site was also managed by Sieglinde Schreiner-Linford, who started online publication of the Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper Series in January 1996. Currently, Hyung-Yoon Choi manages the site.
This site is part of the Academy of European Law online, a joint partnership of the Jean Monnet Center at NYU School of Law and of the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute.
EUROPA>European Commission> ...>Programmes and Actions>Jean Monnet Project Contact | Search
The European Commission awards subsidies to the academic world for the setting up of projects concerning European integration issues, through the creation of teaching activities, through support for young researchers and for research. Traditionally, two instruments have been used in support of this activity: the Jean Monnet Project and subsidy heading A-3022. Out of consideration for the user, from 2003 these two instruments will be presented together within the Commission. This vade mecum comprises the call for proposals for both the Jean Monnet Project and subsidy heading A-3022.
Applicants are requested to read the vade mecum attentively before filling out the appropriate application form. They are also reminded that the applications may not be submitted via e-mail but that each form should be downloaded and signed by the Rector/Vice-Chancellor before submission.
The deadline for the submission of applications is: 15 April 2003.
I Danmark:
Betingelsen for at få et Jean Monnet professorat er som nævnt, at man ”fuldt ud står inde for og fuldstændig helliger sig europæisk integration”. I Danmark er flere af de kendte EU-eksperter finaniseret af EU som Jean Monnet professorer, som eksempelvis Hjalte Rasmussen, Uffe Østergaard, Søren Dosenrode-Lynge og Bertel Heurlin.
EU har udnævnt Gunnar Skogmar, lektor ved Institut for Samfundsvidenskab og Erhvervsøkonomi, til Jean Monnet Professor i europæisk historie.
Hans forskning er i stor udstrækning foregået i eksterne danske og europæiske projektsammenhænge, bl.a. indenfor Copenhagen Research Project on European Integration (CORE), Center for Freds- og Konfliktforskning i København, og i samarbejde med franske forskergrupper.
Jean Monnet Center med EU-tilskud
... I 1991 fik Aarhus Universitet sin første Jean Monnet-professor, siden
er tre andre kommet til. Det ny Jean Monnet Center skal koordinere ...
Jean Monnet Lectures
... 5.2.: 0-6-9: European Integration 1945-1972. Thorsten B. Olesen, Jean Monnet professor,
Dept. ... Thorsten B. Olesen, Jean Monnet professor, Dept. of History (AU). ...
Organisation - Board
Board. Hans Henrik Holm - Jean Monnet Professor (The Danish School
of Jounalism). Knud Erik Jørgensen - Jean Monnet Professor (The ... - 9k - 3 Oct 2003 - Cachad - Liknande sidor
[DOC]Professor Juliet Lodge* (Director) Professor of European Politics ...
Filtyp: Microsoft Word 2000 - HTML-version
Professor Juliet Lodge* (Director), Professor of European Politics and Jean Monnet
Professor of European Integration. European Woman of the Year in 1992. ... -
Bertel Heurlin, Jean Monnet Professor.
of European Security and Integration Director of European ...
Pressemeddelelser- Aalborg Universitet
... Søren Dosenrode, Jean Monnet Professor, dr.phil. (formand). ... Torsten Borring Olesen,
Jean Monnet Professor, Ph.D. Uffe Østergaard, Jean Monnet Professor, Ph.D. ... - 13k - Cachad - Liknande sidor
Filtyp: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... Research Paper no. 7/01 Labour Market Issues in the European Community
Jean Monnet Professor Bent Greve Page 2. Jean Monnet Center ... - Liknande sidor
Bent Greve Inviteret med til top-venstrefløjsmødet 6.11.77 på Esplanaden 5 (se ¦
¦navneliste i AKTION nr. 4 og 5/1979 side 21 og nr. 6-7/1979 side 28). ¦
¦Adr.: Novembervej 24, Herlev, 02-91 08 63.
Hans-Henrik Holm stud på AUC.
I bestyrelsen for Center for Freds- og Konfliktforskning (år ?). I 1978 ¦
I 1978 DKP-MB-kand. Sorø Debatoplæg ved "Seminar om afrustning" 10.-11. maj 1986,
arr. af FN-Forbundet i anledn. af "fredsåret".
Afdelingsforstander i verdenspolitik ved Danmarks Journalisthøjskole.
Cand. scient. pol. Jean Monnet Professor.
Hans-Henrik Holm
Danmarks Journalisthøjskole
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