Situationen er langt, langt værre end vi forstår!
Nedenstående har jeg fået videresendt fra Poul Berg
Fra: The Walk Free Team <>
Dato: 10. apr 2014 22.12.44 GMT+02:00
Emne: Thank you for telling the Iraqi Council of Representatives to say no to forced child marriage

Dear Poul,
Thank you for taking action and telling the Iraqi Council of Representatives to vote against legislating forced child marriage.
By contacting the Council, you have encouraged them to help protect young girls from a lifetime of domestic and sexual slavery.
Will you take a moment and forward this email to 3 of your friends to ensure as many people as possible make a stand?
Thank you,
The Walk Free team
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Any minute now, the Iraqi Council of Representatives will vote to legalise forced child marriage.
The legislation is terrifying:
- There will no longer be a minimum age to legally marry but the law provides policies for divorcing a 9 year old girl;
- A girl’s father would legally be able to accept a marriage proposal on her behalf; and
- The girl would be legally prohibited from resisting her husband’s advances and leaving the home without his permission.
It’s a recipe for a life in domestic and sexual slavery.
We may not have much time to stop Iraq from legalising forced child marriage and a lifetime of domestic and sexual slavery for girls and women. Call on the the Iraqi Council of Representatives to vote "no" to the Jaafari Personal Status Law today.
Tryk på linket her lige ovenfor og skriv under! Vi må gøre hvad vi kan for at stoppe det her.