Det forlyder, at nogle af de personer, der angreb studentervognene sprøjtede med syre (?)
“Det begyndte pludselig at svie helt vildt i begge mine øjne, og det brændte i mit ansigt. Jeg kunne ikke se noget, og jeg kunne heller ikke åbne mine øjne. Det var meget slemt og gjorde rigtig ondt.”(Mia til BT, 26. juni 2016)
At kaste syre i ansigtet på sin kone er ikke helt ualmindeligt i islamiske lande. Her er nogle autentiske billeder fra denne "kultur".

Syreangreb i England
Fra det engelske "Mirror" 25. maj 2016:
Ockendon train station acid attack: 17-year-old arrested after five teens left with sickening burns
09:26, 25 MAY 2016 UPDATED 10:05, 25 MAY 2016
Lee Elliott, 17, may lose the sight in his left eye after he and four other pals were taken to hospital by the attack on the platform at Ockenden Station in Essex
A 17-year-old boy has been arrested after five teenagers were "randomly" squirted with acid on a train station platform - leaving one potentially blinded in one eye.
Five pals aged between 16 and 18 were all taken to hospital following the attack at Ockenden station in Essex in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Lee Elliott, 17, may permanently lose the sight in his left eye and one other teenager suffered potentially life-changing injuries.
Another friend was also treated for horrific injuries to his mouth and tongue.
Officers said a male, who was travelling towards Barking with nine others, left the train and approached the teenagers who were waiting on the platform.
FacebookThe boys were targeted in the early hours of Sunday morning
He then squirted the bottle in their faces before making his getaway on the departing train at around 12.40am.
Last night, police released a CCTV image of a man they wished to speak to in connection with the attack.
British Transport Police have this morning confirmed a 17-year-old boy from Dagenham, Essex, has been arrested in connection with the attack.
Investigating officer Detective Sergeant Gail McKemmie said: “This was a particularly vicious and alarming assault which has left some of the victims with potentially life changing injuries.
All five boys were taken to hospital with burns to their faces or hands
"This was an unprovoked and violent incident and it essential that those responsible are identified and brought to justice.
“Although our investigation is in its early stages, it would appear that this was a random and isolated incident."
Lee's mum Tanya, 43, said her son had told the gang he "didn't want any trouble" as his friends were approached before being doused with acid.
She: "They were all scared. They told them they didn’t want any trouble and with that they squirted them.
“My boy got it the worst. I was so scared and shocked when I heard.
FacebookThe families of the victims have released pictures of the boys' injuries
“They have said the right one (eye) will be ok but there are lots of burns in his left eye. We will have to wait a couple of days to find out if it will be ok."
Wendy Tether, a mother of another of the victims, said none of the boys knew their attacker.
She said: "My son and 4 of his friends was attacked. If you are the person that done this I really hope your proud.
"None of our boys knew who attacked them."
All five youths were taken to hospital suffering from burns to their faces and hands.
A spokesperson for Essex Police said: "Police were contacted shortly before 12.35am on May 22 with reports of a disturbance at Ockendon train station in Station Approach.
GoogleThe attack took place on the platform of Ockendon train station in South Ockendon, Essex
"A group of men were reported to have sprayed a noxious substance at five men. The suspects then left on a train.
"Officers and the ambulance service attended and the victims were taken to hospital with facial injuries.