august 27, 2014


Spydpigen har advaret om og om igen. Pædofili er  godtaget i islam! Ayatollah Komeini skrev i sin sex-rådgivning, at en mand kunne have glæde af et barn helt ned til baby-alderen.

1.400 børn sexmisbrugt på 16 år i engelsk by!
Se også video.

Af Pakistanere og indvandrere fra Kashmir. Dette er vel at mærke i kun én engelsk by med kun 256.000 indbyggere, mindre ned Århus, men det er naturligvis at finde i enhver by, der er ramt af muslimsk indvandring. 1400 er endda et konservativt skøn. Nu står de bangebuksene og defaitisterne med smerten og børns velbegrundede mistillid til voksne. De har forrådt deres land, deres landsmænd og de mest forsvarløse – deres børn.

De har – hele vejen op til Tony Blair – erklæret en afmægtig, engelsk arbejderklasse krig pr. stedfortræder. på samme måde som svenske mangfoldighedspolitikere har erklæret landets kvinder krig med 6.000anmeldte voldtægter – i virkeligheden omkring 60.000, hvor myndighederne ikke vil opgive etniciteten på forbryderne. Ofrenes svar synes bare at være “nå”. De går til slagtebænken uden at protestere og de virkeligt skyldige går fri – indtil videre.

Når et land vil ofre sine børn på denne måde, er det ikke parat til at forsvare noget. England er til døden sygt. Danske medier er syge, at de ikke meddeler etniciteten på forbryderne. Alle engelske gør, de er præget af sagens tragik og alvor.  Hele rapporten: Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997 – 2013) Independent inquiry CSE in Rotherham PDF.

Around 1,400 children were sexually exploited in one town over a 16-year period, a damning report has said. The report on events in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, between 1997 and 2013 found that in more than a third of these cases the youngsters were already known to agencies. It said there had been “blatant” collective failures by Rotherham council’s leadership.
Professor Alexis Jay, who wrote the report, said she found examples of “children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally-violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone”.
Prof Jay said: “They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated.” She said she found that girls as young as 11 had been raped by large numbers of men.
The report said failures of the political and officer leadership of Rotherham Council over the first 12 years she looked at were “blatant” as the seriousness of the problem was underplayed by senior managers and was not seen as a priority by South Yorkshire Police. Prof Jay said police “regarded many child victims with contempt”.More than 1,400 children abused in Rotherham sex abuse scandal ~ but No measures over abuse inaction. Rotherham child abuse scandal: 1,400 children exploited, report finds.  Betrayed by the PC cowards: Damning report reveals 1,400 girls were abused by sex gangs because social workers and police feared racism claims – so did nothing. Journalist:‘I was called a liar and a racist for exposing this sex gang abuse horror.‘

En englænder kommenterer det således:
But be under no illusion. In EVERY town in the country where there is a large Pakistani presence this kind of thing is widely prevalent. It’s common knowledge amongst residents. Car loads of Asians cruise the streets at night looking for vulnerable kids ; cheap takeaways are amongst the places where the abuses take place . It is endemic .
Police, social workers, the councillors all know the truth . Too much cowardice amongst them and I’m afraid the Asian community already pull the strings politically .
In my lifetime I fully expect Muslim communities in parts of Britain to announce UDI. There’s already ghettos in our cities in which our laws and policing do not apply. We’ll have all have a choice to make soon – fight or accept the balkanisation of GB and mass population movements . One thing is certain – THEY will never accept OUR rule of law. Everything Muslims do in the political sphere is to further the advancement of their culture .