december 28, 2013

Det var EU......

Det var EU og ingen anden, som 1978 sluttede traktat med islam i Damascus om invasion af Europa, og det var EU som med Barcelona-aftalen 1995 udvidede territoriet for aftalen til at gælde alle landene i Nordafrika langs Middelhavet. Befolkningerne blev ikke spurgt

Nu skriver Nikolai Sennels:

"EU finds yet another way to pay North Africans to come to Europe..."

Nicolai Sennels
14.58 (3 timer siden)

til bcc: mig

Dear 10News friends
European culture is under constant bombardment: Muslim fundamentalists demonstrate with jihad flags on our streets and it seems that every week EU comes up with yet another way to force open our borders even more to the followers of Islam. It is difficult to see a peaceful ending, and if it does not stop it is hard to imagine that the police will have the resources to handle things alone.
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