november 05, 2012

Ikke een, men to frihedskæmpere af format

Fra bloggen "JIHAD I MALMÖ"

Två frihetskämpar möttes - i Malmö

Geert Wilders besök och föredrag i Malmö förra helgen har fått mycket uppmärksamhet i medierna, både i gammelpressen och den nya frihetliga.
Vad som dock bara Snaphanen tycks ha uppmärksammat var ett möte
mellan två ledande frihetskämpar mitt i Europas mest islamiserade stad...

Geert Wilders hade bjudit in den norske skribenten Fjordman till sitt
föredrag. De fick tillfälle till ett samtal om den viktiga kampen för
yttrandefriheten. Nu har Fjordman gett sin bild av Tryckfrihets-sällskapets möte i Malmö: Poliskedjor, AFA-drägg, stenkastning, men också ett strålande föredrag som borde nå hela svenska folket...
"Geert Wilders is a forceful man, and one strongly feels his presence,
not just because of the security guards who are always nearby, but also because of his personal character.
 He has real charisma, which is necessary for a successful  politician.
I noticed that some of the female members of the audience seemed quite
enthralled by him. Yet he is also a powerful public speaker who
addresses real and profound political issues.
He gave an eloquent and impassioned speech in Malmö about the threat
of Islamization and the ongoing loss of freedom of speech in Europe.
Wilders extended his focus beyond Islam alone and talked about limiting
mass immigration in general, confronting cultural relativism and restoring
a healthy pride in our civilization and our national cultures. He also
emphasized that all of this is exceedingly difficult to achieve as long as
the European Union, and not its member states, controls policies. The EU
is thus at the heart of many of Europe’s problems."