Kilde: (Von Michael Stürzenberger) Politically Incorrect
Den engang så frie Hansastad Hamborg Kapitulerede over for islam 13.11.2012
som den første storby i Tyskland. Og fulgtes snart efter af Bremen.... og...
Her nedenfor kan man læse Søren Kerns rapport om Hamborgs aftale med islam. Den gav religionen en helt ny, prominent plads til inspiration for andre tyske byer og får rosende ord med på vejen af tyske socialdemokrater. De har rimeligvis ikke forstået, at islam handler meget lidt om religion og theologi, men meget mer om politik, indsvøbt i religiøs kamoflage.
Læs om det vigtigste punkt i denne overenskomst og dets konsekvenser.
Central Council of Ex-Muslims kalder det:...a "black day" for Germany.
Internationalt af Soeren Kern lørdag den 17. november 2012
The most controversial part involves a commitment by the city government to promote the teaching of Islam in the Hamburg public school system.
The agreement grants the leaders of Hamburg's Muslim communities a determinative say in what will be taught by allowing them to develop the teaching curriculum for Islamic studies.
Muslim officials will also be able to determine who will (and will not) be allowed to teach courses about Islam in city schools -- meaning that only Muslims will be allowed to teach Islam. Muslims, for their part, are hoping the Hamburg treaty will establish a precedent for the rest of Germany to follow.
Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany, has concluded a "historic treaty" with its Muslim communities that grants Muslims broad new rights and privileges but does little to encourage their integration into German society.
The November 13 agreement, signed by Hamburg's Socialist Mayor Olaf Scholz......etc.
Søg "Hamborg kapitulerer" 13.11.2012 i Spydpigens søgerubrik.